DK_TechProg2_big-clap by audiotool 27313 4310 -
trap guitar by xoel music 2 0 -
big impackt by xoel music 12 1 -
Light Impact by xoel music 13 2 -
Clap 08 by newloops 79632 2697 -
Hi Hat Open 03 by newloops 73799 554 -
Shaker 04 by newloops 1304 162 -
Shaker 05 by newloops 969 124 -
horny kick by xoel music 12 3 -
Hi Hat Open 02 by newloops 1961 247 -
rim by xoel music 6 0 -
sexy snare by xoel music 7 0 -
bdr hat by xoel music 8 0
this track also includes 1 hidden sample(s)
Smooth Leadish Thing by navor 215 70 -
808 BooST by The B-ST 2411 262 -
ARP_Reverb by Zerod 350 27 -
Perfect 8-Bit Retro Pluck by DarkDescendant 449 207 -
Gameboy lead by STAGEFRIGHT 1285 235 -
The Perfect Pluck by Aiden 1078 236 -
Hunter BFH Lead Detune by dez 856 50 -
Hunter BFH Lead Graph EQ by dez 719 50 -
Hunter Dream Pluck Detune by dez 576 23 -
Hunter Dream Pluck Reverb by dez 1332 50 -
Brando 808 boost (smooth) by Yung Brando 1967 200 -
Trap 808 by Yung Brando 5164 1288 -
Animal Clouds Pluck by dez 608 11 -
LEAD_Panflute by Infyuthsion 317 131 -
Metallic FX by joVee. 167 34 -
Gravi Ethereal Arps by Gravidon 89 9 -
OTT (0 attack) but it's better by joVee. 1352 270 -
sexa bazz by xoel music 0 2