Samples TT_Open_Hi Hat1 by audiotool 19437 967 MJ_Woodblock5 by audiotool 1948 236 this track also includes 1 hidden sample(s) Presets BIG SUB by Ɱöηϯˠ 58 1 joa ebert style 8bit something? by Ɱöηϯˠ 2 2 the meaty by Ɱöηϯˠ 12 2 the sharp by Ɱöηϯˠ 13 1 Anjel's Violin (Beaut) by Ànjel➷ 9 12 Devices Tube Stereodetune Slope Reverb Compressor Chorus Pulverisateur Splitter Merger Minimixer Audiotrack Machiniste Centroid Exciter Heisenberg StereoEnhancer Pulsar Delay BandSplitter Helmholtz Waveshaper quantum gravity Ring Modulator
Devices Tube Stereodetune Slope Reverb Compressor Chorus Pulverisateur Splitter Merger Minimixer Audiotrack Machiniste Centroid Exciter Heisenberg StereoEnhancer Pulsar Delay BandSplitter Helmholtz Waveshaper quantum gravity Ring Modulator