Samples key of life by lorieum 4 0 Presets 808 BooST by The B-ST 2411 266 OTT replica by xom 657 106 pad quantum by raiji 0 1 Pads by ApoC 0 2 Devices Beatbox 9 Tube Stereodetune Slope Reverb Phaser Flanger Delay Crusher Compressor Pulverisateur Splitter Minimixer Audiotrack Rasselbock Centroid Heisenberg Graphical EQ Pulsar Delay Curve quantum Tiny Gain Quasar
Devices Beatbox 9 Tube Stereodetune Slope Reverb Phaser Flanger Delay Crusher Compressor Pulverisateur Splitter Minimixer Audiotrack Rasselbock Centroid Heisenberg Graphical EQ Pulsar Delay Curve quantum Tiny Gain Quasar