Rain nd thunder by po9t 139 32 -
Festival Claps (Its just the clap repeated) by bonka 1094 186 -
Epic sword sound effects by LANI! 27 7 -
Fc_Why30Hat3 by audiotool 7270 262 -
Kick 11 by newloops 413 140 -
Simple Hard Kick by Reskagos {MB} 8887 693
this track also includes 23 hidden sample(s)
Real House chords by XculE 787 102 -
Heavy Wubs 1 by XculE 74 37 -
Ohayo Wub (heavy) by XculE 19 9 -
Actual Sub Bass (Audiotool Next) by XculE 85 11 -
Serum Preset 1 (XculE) by XculE 89 29 -
Serum Preset by XculE 65 10 -
serum preset by XculE 62 12 -
serum preset by XculE 58 11 -
serum preset by XculE 56 16 -
serum preset by XculE 81 14 -
serum preset by XculE 35 12 -
serum preset by XculE 57 9 -
Side Chain by XculE 39 11 -
Mastering For Kicks by XculE 99 24 -
Mastering For Synths and Stuff by XculE 63 9 -
Nice Lead by XculE 4 2 -
Mastering for Wubs by XculE 23 2 -
BCL2 by XculE 6 0 -
Best Chord Layer 3 by XculE 7 5 -
BCL3 by XculE 6 1 -
Master Comp by XculE 5 2 -
Master Limiter by XculE 6 16 -
Master Low End Mono by XculE 5 2 -
Master Low End Mono by XculE 5 3 -
Master Mid End Wider by XculE 5 3 -
Master Mid End Wider by XculE 5 3 -
Master High End Wider by XculE 5 3 -
Master High End Wider by XculE 5 3 -
Master OTT by XculE 7 27 -
Master Comp by XculE 5 3 -
Default Shaper by XculE 3 2 -
Lower Pitch For samples by XculE 2 0 -
Gritty Muffled Bass 1 by XculE 0 0 -
Gritty Muffled Bass 1 EQ by XculE 0 0 -
Reverb for GMB 1 by XculE 0 0 -
New Pluck 1 by XculE 0 0 -
Big Boy Ambient Echo/Reverb by joVee. 0 57 -
Master Actual Low/End Cutoff by XculE 0 10 -
Deafault Master Setup High Pitch no by XculE 0 0