Kurea's Probably Going to Use This by 2 256 162 -
Riddim arp by Zanlex 53 22 -
Crowd by VIOK 599 57 -
White Noise Down by VIOK 32 6 -
the fuck you say to me by joVee. 58 32 -
auto gun fx by anything, anywhere 1131 311 -
fuck you kid you are adopted, -Ninja by Coldrip 89 42 -
dubstep fill by CRXYN 377 76 -
GUN LAYER 2 by joVee. 31 3 -
TC_Ride_1 by relative mAJOR 30 5 -
PE_Snare_13 - F by relative mAJOR 12 3 -
PE_Snare_Dubstep_1 - F# by relative mAJOR 12 2 -
PE_Closed_Hat_1 by relative mAJOR 15 0 -
PE_Kick_Noisy_03 - E by relative mAJOR 5 0 -
gun by VIOK 54 4 -
Gun by VIOK 41 1
Dubstep signature growl by Vectorshock (DARKLITE) 373 38 -
cool saw by Not Nich 0 4 -
OTT (0 attack) but it's better by joVee. 1352 279 -
OTT V2 by relative mAJOR 0 93 -
Lowpass 16k V21 by relative mAJOR 0 24