Ambient Deep House Choir Chords by RevøLight 16 21 -
Tyler's Rage by bárbara 7 16
*Int Fruity Bass Boost by Weightless 3449 228 -
Eq Full Sound Piano and Synth by Lunaclipse 581 84 -
Real mastering by Inception 522 53 -
Square Lead Phaser by neo. 2156 138 -
perfect delay by frdm 1643 62 -
Multiband Compression High by Versatile. 1563 56 -
Mastering by y☯k 373 35 -
weirdbassthing by LAEVENT labs ⚡️ 30 11 -
metal wub by nwokn 33 7 -
helmholtz bells by Sullhyeon 36 3 -
Swiss Roll Big Butt by Kurea 150 72 -
OTT (0 attack) but it's better by joVee. 1352 279 -
Xfer - OTT by Akiri 244 83 -
Master Limiter by XculE 6 16 -
fastest mono in the west by mxcii 0 4 -
[Z] Panorama Master by Zorer Natsuko 0 6 -
perfect by #⠀⠀ 0 7 -
red sun by noah 0 17 -
invert by reliicH2 0 2