this track includes 8 hidden sample(s)
Inf_LD.Supersaw by Infyuthsion 9608 526 -
warm echo by Weightless 4612 233 -
Sub by DrkEVo 1491 72 -
supersaw 4 bass melodic dubstep by Inception 143 26 -
Melodic dubstep bass by whereismoon 1443 306 -
Basswobble by Xtraction 49 7 -
groovy...(+ tube and phaser) by W I Z 126 15 -
phaser for "groovy..." by W I Z 113 2 -
tube for "groovy..." by W I Z 108 1 -
BA Hollow(+ reverb+EQ and a compressor) by W I Z 75 10 -
EQ for "BA Hollow" by W I Z 134 6 -
Tube for "BA Hollow" by W I Z 86 1 -
Flight Bass by ollie 49 8