Samples TT_Clap2 by audiotool 5020 370 Fc_Why30Hat3 by audiotool 7272 262 this track also includes 28 hidden sample(s) Presets Inf_LD.Supersaw by Infyuthsion 9608 526 Electro Synth by 3ZE 31 6 Sonic Abs by 3ZE 306 23 Bass stabz by synthonix 355 81 Bass by 3ZE 207 11 Crunchy Saw Bass by synthonix 318 72 You have no idea how long this took to make by synthonix 182 34 death bass by synthonix 294 29 Devices Tube Stereodetune Reverb Delay Chorus Pulverisateur Merger Minimixer Audiotrack Rasselbock Machiniste Centroid Heisenberg StereoEnhancer
Devices Tube Stereodetune Reverb Delay Chorus Pulverisateur Merger Minimixer Audiotrack Rasselbock Machiniste Centroid Heisenberg StereoEnhancer