jd hard as fuck by 黒スペード BLXCKSPXDE 19 38 -
OUCH!!! by Movriel 9 3 -
aaaauuughhhh-(meme-sound) by Terror's alt 4 3 -
nestle-crunch-(slap) by Terror's alt 9 2 - by Terror's alt 4 1 -
OH_OH_MY_GOD_(Trickshot_Reaction)_-_MLG_Sound_Effects_(HD)(256k) by jordanreyrey 12 3 -
YK riser by Young kay beats 354 63 -
tada ringtone android by Terror's alt 3 1 -
M_CRASH_5 by audiotool 6518 440 -
cartoon running sound effect by @wutho 32 21 -
dank-meme-compilation-volume-17_cutted by BiMuze3 28 64 -
Scooby Doo Laugh by Bubba 10 8 -
Vine boom sound effect by Zatsyko 104 38 -
AMONG US meme by R shani 50 21 -
Clap 08 by newloops 80652 2717 -
Hi Hat Open 03 by newloops 74820 557 -
Kick 20 by newloops 66228 765 -
elegant kick by BLASTA DUBS ☯ 146 15 -
Snare 05 by newloops 79923 2717 -
Hi Hat Closed 04 by newloops 82677 1827
this track also includes 10 hidden sample(s)
Wolflund synth by Wolflund 9549 739 -
Super-Videogame-Arp! by erthboy 2298 518 -
DUBSTEP EPIC BASS by Mike Harding on the beat 5081 1005 -
CallyKay-Heavy Metal Electric Guitar by CallyKay 705 170 -
Heavy guitar by The B-ST 724 405 -
Metal/Rock Drums by metaljam_peanutcore 39 45 -
Jhedrummer 2 by ꀭꋖꀍꏹꂡꋪꌈꂵꂵꏹꌅ 0 1 -
Random Drums by ꀭꋖꀍꏹꂡꋪꌈꂵꂵꏹꌅ 0 1 -
Elegant Kick by ꀭꋖꀍꏹꂡꋪꌈꂵꂵꏹꌅ 0 0 -
SK Snare by ꀭꋖꀍꏹꂡꋪꌈꂵꂵꏹꌅ 0 0