the perfect snare roll you wanted by E-beats13 4 2 -
KJ_14_Old_Crash_bell by audiotool 5682 260 -
RP2_Cymbal_10_Hi Splash by audiotool 7832 460 -
HI_VStab__LOkit by audiotool 1076 259
this track also includes 19 hidden sample(s)
Piano by Nihem 10130 2957 -
Lead Synth by altijd 4657 716 -
electrical guitar by subsection 2356 923 -
Guitar/Ukelele by Malakus 255 119 -
CallyKay-Heavy Metal Electric Guitar by CallyKay 705 170 -
Muted Ukelele by Rodrigo Del Canto 4 2 -
Realistic Piano by Astro 3285 326 -
Rock Drumset by Gryff 231 90 -
LEAD_Musicbox by Infyuthsion 1293 319 -
highest in the room bass guitar preset by Brennan (Moved To FL) 32 5 -
dont use this by E-beats13 0 1