Elmo freestyle by Knotfury 5 14 -
808 Kick Bass Trap E1 by KKsmilez:) 1242 288 -
Fart Meme Sound by あえお 133 33 -
Hi Hat Open 04 by newloops 4229 352 -
Trap Kick 1 by Clos3upProd. 931 169 -
Dove's Old Snare by qulan. (swirrrrly) 2065 347 -
HI_Hat_15 by audiotool 2135 132
OTT V2 by relative mAJOR 0 93 -
Lowpass 16k V21, edited slightly so that it doesnt fuck with hat by joVee. 0 22 -
DOOM compressor V3.2 by joVee. 0 23 -
Lowpass 16k v22 by relative mAJOR 0 55 -
3rd lowpass 16k v22 by relative mAJOR 0 34 -
Fuzz by SIX 0 3 -
Master Compressor by SIX 0 2