Trap josh - new tag (original) (1) by josh_cool (moving to FL) 24 0 -
WONDAGURL_vocal_06 by josh_cool (moving to FL) 3 4 -
ronny perc 2 by josh_cool (moving to FL) 22 5 -
Kick (Wonda Gurl) by josh_cool (moving to FL) 10 2 -
ronny hat 2 by josh_cool (moving to FL) 51 7 -
Snare [ Sizzle ] by josh_cool (moving to FL) 67 8 -
basic clap by josh_cool (moving to FL) 54 1
this track also includes 1 hidden sample(s)
Piano Chorus by ThinkManify 3842 192 -
Vintage Screamer by Not_In_Use 24 8 -
dpss~ by Endor & Fina 39 3 -
Maa Chords by LcB 14 1 -
Martin Garrix Saw Chords by Vulkron 801 113