weirdo token by po9t 29 29 -
920 nobodys business by stupidfuckingjules 5 7 -
920 Post Thought of Knowing Nothing by stupidfuckingjules 5 5 -
hat loop by B$TARDARULA 142 55 -
weird cd and screwdriver loop by Equality 9 8 -
Shaker_loop by Marcus D. 560 84 -
920 wheezy 808 2 by stupidfuckingjules 22 14 -
0802 snare 2 by retro 8 7 -
Riddim clap by virux 22 5 -
Pierre Kick by anything, anywhere 3542 307 -
920 phonk kick 2 by stupidfuckingjules 140 33 -
920 stud snare by stupidfuckingjules 44 12 -
shaker-055 by vessel 309 52 -
Real Clap by credencefaith 10 3 -
ICYTWAT 3 (Down Bad Snare) by lil adovorn beats 1069 217 -
Brentrambo Clap by sonysamps 91 24
no presets used in this track