rev. Crash by Midori (hiatus) 4439 327 -
crash by kfidanza22 52 9 -
Clap 08 by newloops 80632 2715 -
Hi Hat Open 03 by newloops 74800 557 -
Kick 20 by newloops 66208 765 -
Snare 14 by newloops 1579 217 -
Hi Hat Closed 04 by newloops 82657 1827
Bassline by HarryF 663 201 -
Luxx White Noise by Luxx 372 23 -
For old comp melody 3 by EditThatDontEdit 0 0 -
lil chiptune by EditThatDontEdit 0 0 -
makes point by EditThatDontEdit 0 0 -
for makes point by EditThatDontEdit 0 0 -
on the top on makes point by EditThatDontEdit 0 0 -
the other one isnt one the top i was lying makes point by EditThatDontEdit 0 0 -
really cool 8 bit horizen whistle by EditThatDontEdit 0 0 -
for horizen whistle by EditThatDontEdit 0 0