Audiotool x Playtronica Contest (Winners announced)

Ongoing album: synthesized sounds


- Blue-headed wagtail (Motacilla flava)

- Great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)

- Lesser spotted woodpecker (Picoides minor)

- Rufous nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)

- Tree pipit (Anthus trivialis)

- Wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)

With the generous participation of the crickets' community

Produced by Mother Nature

Photograph by Efdal Yildiz

I set a 300 bpm to be able to design birdsongs with near millisecond precision. Basically, each Slope and its associated TinyGain embody a single bird. All the birds use a single noise synth as sound source. Like in a real forest, several birds belonging to the same species are perched at different spots in the soundscape. I took a minimalist approach regarding the pads to let the birdsongs breath, as each synthetized bird is an instrument on its own.

I wanted this soundscape to be realistic. So, you'll notice that there is no bird at the end. Seriously, forests are dying. Their voices too. Many of us cannot notice it because we live in cities disconnected from the nature. When I am lucky enough to wander in a forest nowadays, I hear the silence first. And then, only few birds. It's striking. I only got into soundscape design because I have to finish my studies in a megalopolis, when I'd rather be in the nature. But let's be honest, nothing will ever replace the feeling of closing your eyes in a peaceful forest, a soft breeze caressing the leafs and your skin, enveloped by singing birds.

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