Dirty Paws - Rotten Core (Intro Melody) by Snorlington 2 3 -
DJ KHALED WEST ADLIBS 1 by DJ Khaled West 115 55 -
DJ KHALED WEST VOCALS 8 by DJ Khaled West 65 53 -
DHT 122 Hats by newloops 4462 792 -
Triple Six Mafia - No Im Not Dat Nigga by Bakefromthe5 25 29 -
Xcule's Probably Going to Use Thist Sample by Snorlington 6 1 -
Air raid siren by joVee. 888 229 -
bunny girl song ED by vintersolstice 3 5 -
bunny girl haha by vintersolstice 4 8 -
sucka azz nigga by VII 초 7 12 -
wtf BOOM by elii4h 5 4 -
Guacamole Nigga Penis by anything, anywhere 53 52 -
Get WiFi anywhere you go Hold Up bumumununununun by Zatsyko 16 21 -
Eleps - Mizuki by Snorlington 1 0 -
what-the-fuck-wtf-sound-effect-no-copyright-free-download by IXØRD (Hiatus) 38 9 -
DJ KHALED WEST TAG by DJ Khaled West 45 17 -
fuck you kid you are adopted, -Ninja by Coldrip 92 42 -
Electric Shock by LAEVENT labs ⚡️ 4 3 -
Fart Meme Sound by あえお 137 34 -
Discord by The Luna Archive 12 8 -
Who Farted? by xXItsKawaiiPotatoXx 48 13 -
baba booey by Jaxxn 31 16 -
boing by joVee. 35 14 -
Minecraft Damage (Oof) - Sound Effect (HD) (1) by jojo2006 59 17 -
Fart meme Sound by yito ☮ 66 11
this track also includes 1 hidden sample(s)
no presets used in this track