archyives ☮

45 Followers 26 Following Joined about 4 years ago

We passively dying out here and I love to hate it.

I know nothing else, I'm here with it, I want it and that's it. My life has become escaping life.


alternative names: stupidito, idiocyi, idyiot, miseryi



The trash archive: Scrapyard (pls remix these) - make use of these even if there is no use to them pls


Life's a bad joke. But I guess at least someone finds it funny. So who cares? Nobody. Do your thing, no matter who opens their mouth.


Music just sounds better when there's something to run away from.


the official waste basket account.

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  • Further down

  • artists not being queer challenge (impossible)

    • Lol me being confused and lying to myself again

      Les not go

    • I saw an interesting video about why experimental artists tend to be trans

      I'll try and find it

    • I actually wonder about the statistics lol. Are artists really more likely to be lgqhdtv? What is the ratio or percentage? What is the straightest genre? (yes, I mean that lol).

    1 more
  • Once I really take my time, analyze everything and think about it, porn is one of the most abhorrent, awful and damaging things in existence.

  • Smile

  • Really hoping that I can fix most of my dumb mistakes tomorrow.

    Like, please let me be able to do that.

  • Funny, but I practically have lo-fi hip-hop/chillhop engraved in my DNA.

    It's just difficult for me to listen to it now, because so much has changed. I don't even get nostalgic, I get cognitive dissonance from it lmao.

  • root ° is a bot

  • bruh (insert bruh moment here)

  • All I want to do is sleep, let me be, let me rot and be a bloodsucker to my parents who are getting older and slowly and surely need my support more than I need theirs

  • My body may not be able to withstand all of this much longer.

    I don't know what's going on, because it seems like everything is failing, but yeah holy fuck.

    Will I live to be 27 if not just 25? At this point I don't know.

  • Me when minor inconvenience: "I'm scheduled to die today rn pls get me out of here I'm suffering."

  • I'm an asocial asshole.

    I don't have any excuses. I'm sorry, my friend.