
4 Followers 10 Following Joined about 2 years ago
-Just an amateur making edm and dubstep-big thanks to Datsik- who is my music hero! Pls come back and tour soon!

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  • What is Up, my friends- Just released a (slightly weird) single remix of the Madagascar song "I Like to Move It". Just a fun little project I've been working on in between some big releases coming (hopefully) soon! BIG thanks to my current 3 followers, I appreciate you guys so freaking much! I Like To Move It (Westmix) is dedicated to my friend, who is the original King Julian. WE LOVE YOU, KING JULIAN!

  • Hey everyone! Working on my first album Samurai! Check it out and PLS FEEL FREE to shoot me some suggestions, remixs, and comments! I really appreciate it all! Check out my latest release, Ignition, with thanks to Arty for the original project!