when you gonna make a melody , try to make a high pitched sound from the pulv or the heisenberg synth , then use the release knob ( pulv not heisen ) to make the note long enouf or short enouf so it fits the ritme of the kick , then add a hat loop between the kick so 1= kick . 2 = hat and then it looks like this
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1.. do you understand ???? oke let me know ive you need more . i could make you a template also if you want
oke so i have checked out your stuff ( need to fav still .lol) what you do is working with alot of samples right , so take my hardstyle samples for a kick i would take hardstyle17 and then lap a bassline over it for example bassline51 , oke so now you have a good kick set the bpm to 140-160 bpm anything between this is good otherwise it becomes hardcore
Also, emulation is great. For example, open tracks that u like the synthwork on, and try to find out how they set the synth, etc. and try to reproduce it. Hope this helps...cheers!
So about the synthwork and whatnot...It took me a while to warm up to the pulv and all....but I would say the best thing you can do is mess around with all the different settings on synths. Find out what knobs/buttons/etc do what to modify the sound, and eventually you'll be able to manipulate synths to make really nice sounds.
Yeah, sorry to make you wait. I've been chilling with my friends and doing summer school projects. Hopefully I'll get a new computer in the next month or so. But yea right now I'm trying to figure out how to continue Ghosts. I kinda thinks so far it's broken. But i'll get it eventually. I really type long comments...
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First comment in 7 years
Listen and comment not entirely finished but Funky Lane
listen and comment sorry for the inconvenience of spam Blend
you should put a note at every 4 th count so 1 4 8 12 16 ,,, and here s a template of a kick and bass
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when you gonna make a melody , try to make a high pitched sound from the pulv or the heisenberg synth , then use the release knob ( pulv not heisen ) to make the note long enouf or short enouf so it fits the ritme of the kick , then add a hat loop between the kick so 1= kick . 2 = hat and then it looks like this
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1.. do you understand ???? oke let me know ive you need more . i could make you a template also if you want
oke so i have checked out your stuff ( need to fav still .lol) what you do is working with alot of samples right , so take my hardstyle samples for a kick i would take hardstyle17 and then lap a bassline over it for example bassline51 , oke so now you have a good kick set the bpm to 140-160 bpm anything between this is good otherwise it becomes hardcore
sure thing man , just leave you quistions on my wall and i will help you where i can oke
Also, emulation is great. For example, open tracks that u like the synthwork on, and try to find out how they set the synth, etc. and try to reproduce it. Hope this helps...cheers!
So about the synthwork and whatnot...It took me a while to warm up to the pulv and all....but I would say the best thing you can do is mess around with all the different settings on synths. Find out what knobs/buttons/etc do what to modify the sound, and eventually you'll be able to manipulate synths to make really nice sounds.
Hey! Nex track :) => Get 2 Lives
Mule kick
nice music and cheack out my music ples :)
brb: I <3 ruffneck!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi again. -Aftershok
Yeah, sorry to make you wait. I've been chilling with my friends and doing summer school projects. Hopefully I'll get a new computer in the next month or so. But yea right now I'm trying to figure out how to continue Ghosts. I kinda thinks so far it's broken. But i'll get it eventually. I really type long comments...