
206 Followers 116 Following Joined about 3 years ago


french person who likes tomatoes


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  • Hey lava, ça fait plaisir de te voir conneté!!

    • Oui ici tout roule, retour de vacances à la neige, y a pire

    • Merci de prendre des nouvelles ! Oui ça se passe bien, dernière année de licence pour moi, et stage de 3 mois en Laponie cet été... Tout va bien pour toi aussi ?

    • Ça va, tout se passe bien cette année ? tu t'en sorts ?

    1 more
  • if would mean the world to me if you gave me some feedback on this new song i released.


    Best Regards, Ben Erb

  • Hey lava,

    Pour te changer les idées et te mettre un peu la pèche pendant les exams...

    Je te dis les 5 lettres.

    Sunday Chicken


  • Hey buddy, sorry to bother you again, but could you give me some feedback? I stepped out of my comfort zone a bit with this track. Thanks a lot!

    Entangled in Spin

    • Hi mate, sorry for the late reply, I was in exam period until a few days ago :(

  • There is this mixing technique which I did in Avenoir, I was wondering if you do it as well. It's specifically to do with chopping up an already mastered sample and completely transforming the sound with effects and remastering it to fit in with the mix. In order to do this, if im polishing it up with curves and other tools, it reduces the volume of the sample naturally and adding a compressor or tiny gain to enhance volume after simply ruins the mix (continuation)

    • Hellooo mate, sorry for the really late reply, I was into exams since 3 weeks :(

      I'm absolutely not at this level of sound design, and/or probably my headphones are too basic, but I'm often adding gain directly with the curve, and eventually adding a quantum after, and I admit that the quality of the mix after this does not surprise me. But maybe I can't compare because I never tried your technique :)

    • So i can only produce a well-mastered/mixed sample at low volume sometimes, (usually with already mastered samples exported in the AT library). So I copy and paste the sample around 4 times to amplify the volume, overlaying basically and stacking it. I was wondering if you ever did that, or if there is a better solution? Because if you have a crap mac and overlay for volume enhancement like that, your quick to make your draft laggy.

  • Some chill electro and synthwave coming in 2025

    • Sorry for the extremely late reply ! Now that my exams are over, I would work with you with pleasure !

    • Maybe we can work on something together?

  • Tried out a dif genre, feedback would be nice when you have the chance! Dawn

  • Hey Lava,

    Ecoute mon dernier morceau stp et dis-moi ce que tu en penses.

    Escape with me

    J'espère que tout roule pour toi


  • Bonjour Lava

    Je prends ma plume pour te souhater bonheur et accomplissement dans ce que tu entreprends. J ai compris que tu etais a fond dans les etudes. Je me retrouve en toi il y a 20 ans deja. Ca fait du bien de croiser de belles personnes ici comme toi et de ressentir que la musique et capable de tout effacer. Les ages, les vouleurs, les langues.

    En tout cas merci pour ton soutien et d etre toi. Change pas. 🍺

    • Merci Batoune, ton message me touche beaucoup ! C'est vrai que j'ai pas été très actif en cette fin d'année, mais je dois dire que j'ai toujours été impressionné par ton énergie et ta créativité. Tu as tout mon soutien !

      Je te souhaite de pouvoir continuer toujours autant les choses que tu aimes :)

  • Merry christmas

    • Merry christmas to you :)

      And also to this great community who supported me during these 3 years in AT !

  • Hey nouveau son sur mon mur

    Forgive me

    Bonnes fêtes Lava si je ne te croise pas d'ici là


  • hello! could i get some feedback on this please? it'd mean tons! :)
