
20 Followers 21 Following Joined about 13 years ago

Nobody seems able to decide whether I'm a mouse named Cat or a cat named Mouse.

A wandering noob, lost in a sea of music.


I have no idea what genre my music is. I've never been much good with that sort of thing. Feel free to let me know and I'll update tags appropriately.

I try to use headphones for pan, but since the headphone jack on my computer is messed up, I basically do everything, then set up the pan during the last hour or so of working on a track.

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  • Music I've been listening to at work is very... meta. Music about music, I mean. So I'm taking their advice and fiddling with a formula. (No pun, as I don't actually fiddle.)

  • Superbusy IRL, but working on a sort of experimental piece in the meantime. A capella, anyone?

  • HELLO!

  • My first track ever is... Still only a minute long!?

    Oh well; I'll figure this thing out soon :3

  • I'm sorry to hear that you have migraine but I'm glad my songs help you. Thanks for the compliment (: