‎‎formerly, FRED.

347 Followers 181 Following Joined about 5 years ago

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  • Fred we miss u

  • hello fred

  • If you don't m!nd me ask!ng (last t!me w/ th!s and !'ll leave you alone abt !t) what led to you go!ng thru that obscure phase of h!d!ng everyth!ng? Or a better quest!on whose mus!c was !t that led to you com!ng to that heavy real!zat!on?

    • Ahh okay gotcha, k!nda had a feel!ng 'Stylez was part of !t but d!dn't wanna assume anyth!ng

    • 1) General depression made me hide

      2) Your bro X'Stylez

  • Thank you for unhiding your tracks, we miss you

  • You really had me scared for a m!nute don't ever leave please

    • Completely feel where you're com!ng from there's more than a few producers here whose mus!c I cher!sh (you be!ng one of them) and for them to be gone outta nowhere does k!nda mess w/ you a b!t. But, happy that you're here to stay much love to you bro.

    • As blurry and illogical as my thoughts get sometimes I remembered how it feels when a producer you really like suddenly disappears from the site and their music is *permanetly* inaccessible

      So everything will stay up as much as possible, and rest assured I have no intentions to delete this page anytime soon

  • Fred come back gang you were my number 1 song critique :sob:

  • my nigga fred dun disappeared

  • hey are u good bro?

  • where bro tracks went

  • We still love you Fred

  • what happen to fred

  • its le birb

  • cool me and you got the same amount of followers