
11 Followers 7 Following Joined about 12 years ago

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  • True... so true. Anyway, check out my new song @ (just kidding I wasn't going to do that for real... just a hint, every time you refresh a page and hit play, it counts as a view. Think about that for a while...

  • ok?...

  • Hey look, I realise your trying to get noticed but posting, look at this >link<, won't get you far. Spam walls, thats their purpose.

  • Name: Stefanos Varlamitis

    From: Finland, Greece

    Age: 12

    Favorite hobbies: Playing, making music and programming

    Facebook: Stefu Varlamitis

    Hotmail: sv83 @hotmail .com (/or/) stefuvar @hotmail .com

    I LOVE CALL OF DUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!