223 Followers 48 Following Joined about 11 years ago
remember when.

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  • But are you the outcast that did 202loops? :0

  • not even gonna lie i love your synth presets dude

  • youve been here the longest dude...

    :/ you deserve so much more.

  • i might make a new song soon.

  • I noticed you've been here 4 years, another long time user! (: Have you had a name change or something?

    • Yeah nearly, I think it was started 7/8 ish years ago so I started about a year into it. The community was VERY different back then compared to now, noone produced trap for instance

    • huh wow been here since the beginning

    • Heh kinda just accrued the followers over the 6 years I've been here

    4 more
  • hey, i wanna tell you i really appreciate all your samples. I made a track giving thanks. <3 outcast check it out if you want :)

  • Hush, when you need help

    Shout, if you can't tell

    Lose to Find Yourself 


    Somethings are hard to get. But not my new track. Give it a try, when you have the time. <3 Thanks!

  • I really like your sticktoitivness with audiotool. Been here for so long. You probably have so much wisdom when it comes to networking. Have any advice for someone looking to expand their listener range?

    • :) thank you so much man. i will use this to the best of my abilities and keep it in my arsenal.

    • and one more, Ask people to rate your music to get noticed your not a sell out if you do, Your trying to get out there and noticed so just post your song on there wall don't be afraid to post your music on big A.T users walls ether and support other people to have friends and respect don't start drama it's just dumb and just be your self and have fun.

    • yes first you should you always try new things sticking to one subject is cool but doing different things is more creative, you should try collaborating i never tried but people asked i wasn't as confident a year ago so i declined. Oh yea be confident in your work and don't stop cause if you do people will stop thinking about you and you will lose a fan base and support like me, Yea i have a 185 follower but most forgot about me and its sad but i'm fine i had my year it was fun.

  • Yo thanks man!

  • you been here just as long as me , ...you deserve so much.


    • thanks a lot i try but i never get noticed by anyone, everyone is focused on the more popular people on AT it sucks but it's the way it runs on here... i guess i had my dayz i say 1 or 2 years ago when people actually explored on here i would get a lot of views but no likes or support but at times thou you seem to never get forgotten on here haha people just love your music and style i guess but anyways thank you very much.

  • hope you've found good fortune with the path your on right now, you've always got a home here m8