Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Escape Velocity SIREN 10 Bass Music space musicdubstepspace travelsupbeattraphybridsirenmelodic dubstep 0:04:44 33 287 2022-05-02 Favorite Share 2 Chapter 3: Purple Lies SIREN Trap raphip-hopspectrumalbumvocal 0:05:00 23 138 2021-12-18 Favorite Share 3 Back To You - Icebox, SIREN & dcln IceboxSIRENdcln 1 Bass Music dubsteprapfuture basscollabdclnmulti-genredarkchonkyiceboxorchestralvocalssirenthiccmelodic dubstep 0:04:52 296 8857 2021-11-19 Favorite Share 4 Chapter 2: Black Curtains SIREN 10 Bass Music raphip-hopspectrumheavyvocalsochestralalbumsinging 0:04:14 22 178 2021-10-24 Favorite Share 5 Goodbye, For now SIREN Newbie hiatus 0:00:32 3 38 2021-12-26 Favorite Share 6 Optimum Pride 2 SIREN Other cringeoptimum pride 0:00:18 11 68 2021-12-05 Favorite Share 7 It's my birthday SIREN Hip Hop birthdayrapok byeboom bapquickie 0:00:49 17 111 2021-12-04 Favorite Share 8 Chapter 1: Red Skies SIREN Bass Music spectrumalbumabstracthybrid 0:02:43 19 110 2021-10-15 Favorite Share 9 Michael Han - Luxurious (ft. Tanya L) [SIREN Remix] (Extended Mi SIREN Bass Music dubsteptrapelectronicflipochestralhybridhip hopsirenremix 0:04:41 6 56 2021-09-17 Favorite Share 10 trash SIREN Bass Music trash 0:00:38 13 111 2021-08-25 Favorite Share 11 THE RONIN COLLECTION | 001 SIREN Bass Music unfinishedok byei pubbed to get the mp3changes will be madeinstrumentalignore pls 0:03:33 9 61 2021-08-08 Favorite Share 12 SIREN's Library of Drafts | 003 SIREN Hip Hop boom bap 0:01:28 7 48 2021-07-13 Favorite Share