Mood Chaser

46 Followers 49 Following Joined about 4 years ago

I hope you can be a part of my learning experience by indulging me with your constructive criticism. I'm starting College to learn more about how to create better electronic music! (her/she) chocolate :-)

All my life I have wanted to learn electronic music, now at age 61 I have lots of time to explore and learn.

So excited to keep making more tracks and want to see where I can take this.

I create my own covers for my tracks in photoshop.

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  • Hey, just curious in case you see this. Just wanted to check in and see if you were around.

  • Hey! Do you think you could take a listen to our new spooky halloween-themed track? We worked fairly hard on it and we want to show it off!

    We'd also love to have you as a follower, so be sure to check out our other stuff as well! They're all very talented artists <3

    Whispers of Death

    • I realize that when you accomplish something you are proud of that you want to shout it out to the world, but you could have at least asked me if you could post it on my wall. (maybe say something nice about some tracks that I made, or whatever) But using other peoples walls with disregard is like spraying graffiti everywhere. There is much to say about etiquette

  • Can anyone tell me how to find the Audio Tool community on discord? (searching Audiotool didnt work)

    Well, I'm almost coming back, probably starting in the new year. I am finally figuring out how to use discord.

    If you are interested in seeing my final track & video project for class, you can check out "Just Think" on YouTube at

    • I figured it, they make you have to register, takes about 24 hours before they "approve" my profile

    • @sea foam and the wind Thank you for the compliment! and for the link to discord...I'm there right now, but only seems to be 1 thread? #quotes.... I'm wondering if I'm missing

    • Thanks for listening, I appreciate the feedback..and thanks for the link to discord <3

    3 more
  • long time no see bro

  • Just wondering, is anyone else having problems uploading (connecting) with sound cloud from AudioTool? If there a fix? I can't seem to upload directly from AT to Sound Cloud..getting an error page

    • Okay, good to know thanks!

    • I don't have any SC, but it is possible as the website redesign is recent and the devs are working on fixing the bugs

  • Well, one more month to go till the end of the semester. We really only just learning really basic stuff and sadly the class after this wont be given because COVID has caused the amount of students to drop off so they won't be having the follow-up class. I'm still going to continue and take piano lessons and also see if I can use what I have learned so far to create better music. I did make a track on Pro Tools, have a listen on soundcloud look for Mood Chaser track is called Chasing a Mood

    • Thank you for listening!!

      I'm definitely itching to get back in here and try some new things!!

    • Cool track, you made progress!

      Glad to see you back on AT :)

  • And I will be back soon!! I can't wait!! whoohoo!!

  • Well I'm getting my music making "fixes" in Pro Tools now. Not that I don't want to use AT but because my classes require Pro Tools. Were really just doing recording and mixing, but I couldn't help myself and started creating some stuff already.

    • okay, cool then!

    • Absolutely not!! there just isnt enough time in a day to play with both and get my school projects done. So I decided to play around more in Pro Tools to be able to keep up with school projects. Gonna upload a sample in an attempt in Pro Tools

    • hey, nice to hear from you :) does it mean that you won't produce on AT anymore?

  • Anybody know how hard it is to stay away from making music on AT because ya gotta go learn stuff?... dilemma for sure! I just have to remember I can't make tracks if I dont know how... right?!, go figure.. lol I'm working on it!! took me 5 hours to unzip Protools from the zipfile...geeeze

    • It's I have sooo many ideas and things I want to experiment with, Just found some poems I wrote that I would like to make tracks to....AT for me is a dream come true... but I have to take it one step at a time.

    • Do not refrain you too much from producing music if it becomes painful lol, let the flow go ;)

  • Hey, thanks for the follow!

    • Of course!! Someone that can give me a nice dose of heavy metal (well done) that digs into the deepest darkest parts of my soul ...well.....I can't NOT follow. We all have our needs right?

  • anybody know a way to switch quickly from the pointer tool to the selection tool? (besides clicking on them)

    • never mind I found hit the #1 or #2 key

  • So I listened to @SELCIVS 's Joyride and then my own tracks in my car yesterday, I cried because mine sound like shit (of course cause I don't know squat about mixing and such) BUT! the good news class syllabus mentions that I will be learning all that I'm not gonna make any tracks until I got that part down.. gonna concentrate on classes until I know how to mix (But I will still be around to see what I can learn from others)

    • No worries, we all have our ups and downs :) Yep!

    • Thank you sea foam <3 !! I didn't mean to come off ranting in my, We all have to start somewhere right? I know I will get better at this, that is my goal ;-)

    • Wish you a good first day at your music school, keep up the good work ;)