
2 Followers 17 Following Joined about 4 months ago

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  • we are a third into our album. what are your thoughts on my art direction? what should have been different?

    also please publish futurizm 1 and start the next track

  • ive made good progress with futurizm. check it out then publish whenever you want.

    i also made 2 tracks to speed up the creation of the album. The new generation and midnight. Join the invitation. You are free to change anything as always. Tell me when i can upload those too.

    • My name is giovanni giorgio but everybody calls me Giorgio.

  • Hi ryan i started 2 new songs. Please mix it up to your liking.

    Also ive looked up some more daft punk and realised that ive never listened to techno in my life. It's too monotonous to me. I listen to progressive metal in my free time. Anyways, no shade you can like any music. It's odd to me but i feel like i could get into it. I'm not exactly a party person

  • hello brother what is taking so long? please publish aphelion and start the other tracks. however, if you dont want to do this album anymore i understand

    • i understand that school is first and im proud of you. however, you are embarrassing yourself. scroll down on my page and see how many tracks ive made since repeater. at this pace we will finish a whole album by next year.

    • I was also binge watching all the music vids for Daft Punk's Homework

    • SORRY,I HAD TO DO (caps was on) Sorry,I had to do school and I couldn't get on. (I was also busy watchin all-star weekend)

  • Hey,Can you slow down the bass I made for Aphelion? Thanks.

    • sure. check on it again then publish if you're satisfyied.

      onto the next track

  • i'm so happy with how our song turned out to be. tell me about what you think of my part.

    you did a really good job with the presets and the vibe setting. wish you changed up my work a little after i finished. i want to see your style shine too. the song like 2 minutes in repeats over and over and its kinda boring. left it simple in hopes of you spicing it up a little

  • hello Ryan. Check out what i've been to.

  • I made a new song...It is a take on Let There Be Light By Justice..But it is just the Demo.

  • I recreated a remix form 2003....https://www.audiotool.com/track/37dofmr8krmr/

  • I made a new song...anyways WHO WANTS TO MAKE A NEW ALBUM WITH ME!