im John-O, turn me up loud and enjoy
i try to make everything from scratch and my own MIDI recordings
i play guitar, and drums. everything from alternative to punk, classic and METAL. also play keyboard, t-table and d-padd & anything else that can make noise.
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im John-O, turn me up loud and enjoy
i try to make everything from scratch and my own MIDI recordings
i play guitar, and drums. everything from alternative to punk, classic and METAL. also play keyboard, t-table and d-padd & anything else that can make noise.
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hewo, r ya on here???!!!??? ♥♍♥ me
Thnx 4 Fav ;)
YES i'm back, had time to cope &think, now i am rdy to get back to layin down the ProTunes lol. have alot of new good ideas....
Hii so you found me on SoundCloud? whish more people found me there (and here) my profiles are dead :/
oh wow i didn't realize i was your 50th follower
Thanks man
yaeh. i tried it out on some drafts. but i never actually got it down like i wanted it
HOLYFUCK i recorded a ton a stuff today
unless there is any easier way of doing this
yeh im transfering for live
cool ;)) pls feel free o remix my sound, i am honored ;)