
42 Followers 61 Following Joined about 10 years ago
The Lord of Robots, or so he calls himself

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  • Hey man,

    I wanted to stop by and thank you for being one of my fans, it means a lot to me! I couldn't have made it to where I am today without you guys! So, because of this, I want to know whether you would be interested or have enough time to join my contest in honor of my first 100 followers! I have the link here: "Mystique" 100 Followers Remix Contest it contains all the rules/regs. Deadline is June 30th.

    lemme know if you can join

    ¡†¡ Peace ¡†¡


  • Could you check out my latest track Xenomorph I would like some feed back so I can finish of the second half as best I can.


  • Merry Christmas ^-^

  • follow me

  • hey thanks for the compliments

  • Hey! Could you check out my new track escalating love!

  • Sanctum :) just something I want to share :)

  • i Wanna Be A Robot 3:

  • In order to stay organized we need all demos to be sent to the same place.

    Please send all your DEMOS to : wolfrage.recordings @GMAIL .com

  • Hey quick message to all my followers and friends i am quite busy usually but if you leave me a message on the wall i will try and get to hearing your music and commenting and giving my advice (to anyone who wants it) as soon as possible. Thanks guys be sure to leave a comment whenever. Also p.s if you have friends tracks that you would like me to listen to i can do that for you as well and provide constructive feedback. :) :) :) :) :) :)

  • Hey guys i have gone and checked all your tracks that you have asked me to have a look at. Hopefully i can provde some really constructive feedback thanks again guys