Tracks Templates datepopular 1 DOPE SHIT<3!!!FollowforfollowDripCvaghelaarth_gmail_comREDSTATE(gang) 6 Electro electro housebasstrancehouse 0:03:06 17 146 2021-06-02 Favorite Share Remix 2 Black Fire. NeuRotiCCLEARHellforeverheyitsKARMA999✰MerkelDRaftwolf timePhoenixRaider™muzicnite10 3 Rock rocknu metaldope 0:02:48 8 92 2020-12-19 Favorite Share Remix 3 I need some help... Araceli_ECLEARAmazingPhoenixYo Boy DaeDaeAudioStudioThe Boy<3!!!Day of musicwolf timeFarrelmacramvoLiL-GoAt_Montoya11 Newbie 0:01:23 5 34 2020-12-19 Favorite Share Remix 4 blah man DJ Kelso(Archive)CLEARHellforever Trap 0:02:17 4 21 2020-12-18 Favorite Share 5 crackers [TTV]DrPurps@DSBN少し XObeatzCLEARConfidentCursive(A.M.)cabuford_madison [P.U.N.KnoneControlHungry❤️❤️redneckboy101#❤️❤️rosechikenNCOBEATZ Trap trap 0:01:10 8 72 2020-12-17 Favorite Share Remix 6 let's make a bop DJ Kelso(Archive)Erick Da SilvaCLEARHellforever♡xo.aydree.xo♡ Hip Hop hiphoplofidj kelsodj dopeslinger 0:01:44 5 39 2020-12-15 Favorite Share 7 no brainer (remastered) DJ Kelso(Archive)CLEAR$peezyonthabeatzTH16yolooKelso The Space MC Trap trapwackaflackastylehype af 0:02:18 10 78 2020-12-14 Favorite Share 8 A Bleak Future CLEARErick Da Silvailluminatus2hxxrtbrxxkxrYo Boy DaeDaeHellforevercabuford_madison [P.U.N.K♡xo.aydree.xo♡cute-asf-me ( back )<3!!!KILLSTEPMARIGOLD.PUNK...*공중에서 사랑*babygirl63yoloocoexxasuha3331_gmail_com Trap weirdcooltrap 0:03:17 9 62 2020-12-13 Favorite Share Remix 9 Insomnimanic panic DJ Kelso(Archive)CLEARHellforever$peezyonthabeatzTH16cady Hip Hop 0:03:45 6 56 2020-12-07 Favorite Share 10 Hoes neva loyal Feat. Dopeslinger, King Jay, DJ Kelso, and Twink DJ Kelso(Archive)CLEARtwinkie_winkies (leavin) Trap traplofi 0:02:29 5 30 2020-12-03 Favorite Share 11 everythin' gonna be aight DJ Kelso(Archive)elodge66CLEARKYMusicsAmnoiseatwinkie_winkies (leavin)hamiel091003_gmail_comlollussier819_mascenic_org Trap dj kelsodj dopeslinger 0:01:56 6 42 2020-11-28 Favorite Share 12 Crying CLEAR Lo-Fi sadweird 0:01:49 0 6 2020-11-27 Favorite Share