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  • hehehe

  • Pathfinder from Apex Legends?

  • Heyo! Was geht so? Hettsch au lust demnächst an AT meetup in Köln zga?

    • Ah easy. Ha mir dä 25 November im Kalender notiert aber find sTopic ufem board au nümm

    • mir gohts sussd super danke und selber? :)

    • ich bin im moment ebe grad um umzie und recht im stress, wenn isch denn das meeting? sorry i bin nüme so ufem laufende

  • Ur the king of synthwavy funk dude

  • hey bud! I was just wondering if you could give me feedback on this new track of mine, tried making funk hahahaha, Tim always says you're the go-to guys when it comes to that genre :D

    PHONES (HTSL Tim Derry)

  • Hey there, good day. I like to post a request : I need a relaxing/soothing background music. Would appreciate if a kind person can provide a step-by step write up basing on audiotool platform. Thank you very much.

  • Aye hows it going man?

    • Great thanks, I haven't heard from you for a long time, how is it going? :)

  • yo path, do you have tips on how to make good synthwave? I'm working on a synthwave track rn, and idk i think my issue is the Eq. is everything supposed to be like low passed?

    • oh, that's pretty good advice. I think I tried some of those things in my latest synthwave track, mind taking a listen and leaving some feedback? I tried my best to teach someone synthwave too XD even tho I'm not a synthwave artist XD

      Sight - Icebox X h2O

    • Hey Icebox, it is easiest if you have as few elements as possible that overlap in the frequency spectrum, some elements sound better if you panning left or right and leave some space at the lower end for bass and kick, but unfortunately I am not exactly the best example for good mixes :)

  • yo man, ur tracks are really good, but there's 2 people you can learn a lot more from. Try collabing with Waveshaper or Arcade, their tracks are so good ;)

  • Hello Path :) Please dm me on discord on whether or not you plan to host/ judge AT Day 2021. Thanks!

    • can i judge? lmao jk jk dun take that seriously XD

  • Hey man! I usually don't do that, but since you're obviously my main inspiration for this track, would you mind giving me some feedback on LEMON SODA FUNK ? I need some tips to improve my funky side ;)

    Also, I hope everything's fine and I'm looking forward to hear more from you!

  • all this time i never even knew you were both waveshaper and arcade

  • path and wave both online 0.o