
25 Followers 41 Following Joined about 10 years ago

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  • follow for follow?

  • Yep but can we do it mid November when I get fl please :D

  • Dude you pretty good

  • pls invite me to something

  • ok sounds good, and btw I'm changing the genre to trap as an experiment

  • is it the actual notes or just the sounds? if the notes then change it but invite me to a new draft cause i wanna keep that one and if its the sounds then idk what to do

  • yep use ableton, i added a build so you can drop it if you want? say one drop each?

  • sent it :D

  • starting a draft now, if you want to help then say and ill invite you

  • idk i just really want to collar and i got the fl demo but i have a mac an dthe full version is still in beta testing atm so idk

  • hey man can you check out a quick preview that i just made i'd really appreciate it

    thanks :3

  • can you invite me to something then?

  • Oh ok! I don't have any DAWS so i'll have to take back that collab offer :( I heard it's REALLY confusing compared to FL!

  • contest ends september 15