
8 Followers 6 Following Joined about 11 years ago

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  • Beat Factory- Needs bass drum. Attention to instructions is lacking. Snare should be on beats 2 and 4. 10/20

    Mix a beat - Incomplete.

  • Bell- Waveform- Need inharmonics- 3/5, Envelope 5/5, Noise/Filters 5/5- 13/15

    Snare- Waveform- Lower level of sine- 4/5, Envelope 3/5 Release is too long, Noise/Filters- 5/5 12/15

    Flute- Incomplete.

    Organization 0/5


  • Is your "flute" a bell or a flute? Sounds more like a bell. Use one note for the bell. Snare needs a quicker release. Needs a flute sound before I grade it.

  • Bell needs inharmonics in the waveform. Release and attack are very good . 12/15

  • Your snare drum was cool but it needs work

  • hmu tho

  • Tbh You need to work on you're snair drum

  • snair drum was OK. it was too distorded . fix it up a little and you should be gooooood !

    im out dawwwwg.

    -jesus elias

  • good job on your sneir drum it sounds good. it was nice how you added the decay just added to add a little more release.