On a dreary ramshackle British afternoon, I happenstance isolated the upper harmonics of a singular recorded piano note, fading out it's initial attack and letting it decay, slowly ringing out as the tall spires of yesteryear would - why, one could wonder, would this be anything but a dubious and fruitless endeavour? You see, it is a sound otherwise absent and dartful, elusory to our mortal hands and mind-twisting synthesizers, one that provides relief and embodies the vehicle of yet more art
U.K, 28
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Hey mate, how are things going? Been away much you long...
member me? teehee
Bishu just featured AT in his latest stream/video! 😍
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sending this here because I think you might like it :d
mistakes [ATD]
majestic-ahh hair
we vibe with it
Try this out
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bro got brakence long hair lmao
A legend still after all this time
what a distinguished gentleman
giving you a follow just because
Your music just makes me feel so great!
Here, take my follow 😌
I just did an Ollie to a 50/50, smashed, then did an another Ollie. Crazy!
I don't know what it is about your pfp but I like it
The Legend