undertale UndertaleGeek 2 about 8 years ago 1 Boondoggle Pr!sm Pr!sm 1479 2 undertale ost38 - spooktune (remix) sketch ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ 549 3 Max HP SOLACE SOLACE 1632 4 Undertale: Heartache - remix (ft. LilDJ15) XculE LilDJ15 XculE LilDJ15 1908 5 toby fox - Nyeh Heh Heh (Recreated By Distorted Vortex) Distorted Vortex Distorted Vortex 1105 6 Undertale - His Theme (Sven's Remix) Sven the Fenn Sven the Fenn 693 7 Toby Fox - Memory (Opius Remix)(But With Delve's synths) delve delve 211 8 Tinylovania [Undertale Remix] Brandon Giesing Brandon Giesing 3123 9 Napstablook (DJ X NOIZE A Dapper Young Blook Remix) PhyX1X PhyX1X 587 10 Undertale: Memory - remix [Sad, Happy] Version 1 XculE XculE 2296 Show all 13 tracks