
397 Followers 154 Following Joined about 13 years ago
God became man, died, and rose again so that He would suffer in your stead the punishment you earned by your sin. Believe and go be baptized.

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  • Man, this site really is dead, huh?

  • Irony is, in 2019, being nostalgic for 2014 AT, and now in 2024, being nostalgic for 2019 AT.

  • thanks for listening to my song, make sure you check my other plse, love your wall too!!!

    1 more
  • Considering how different AT is these days kinda feel the need to ask, if I were to start doing unsolicited critique again, would that even be appreciated? Or is that seen as rude now?

    • I would like it

    • i feel like it depends on delivery. if you're like "this sucks all these things need work" then that's obviously rude. but if you see issues with a track otherwise ripe with potential then i think addressing them in a respectful way is valuable. smth like "i rlly like what youre going for but i think it would be better executed if [suggestion]" or "i liked ___ but i noticed [issue]" etc

      i guess the approach should be constructive criticism rather than straight up critique

    • honestly critique is more than necessary for improvement but it is typically seen as rude when unsolicited. I may put a policy in my bio where sharing track links on my wall is welcome for an honest critique on my wall instead of the comments of the track itself so others can get feedback or something idk

    1 more
  • Hi!

    I'm doing a Listening Party on Bandcamp 7pm tonight for my new release 'The 7Day EP'

    You can check it here first, see if you like it:

    (The 7Day EP)

    You're welcome to join if you'd like to listen and chat to people at the same time!

    Thank you for reading if you did and apologies for the spam.

    (Follow if you like):

  • I'm so sick of charts being dominated by joke tracks, schizocore, and Post Malone wannabes.

    • wow its been so long man.. nice to still you're around! to your point though (im a few years late), AT definitely isn't the same as it was in our time haha

      but the talent here today is actually insane.. everyone is younger, and has gone so much farther

  • As I get older, I become more fully convinced that music is fundamentally social. Not just in an expressive sense, but in a metaphysical sense. Maybe that's why I don't enjoy making electronic music nearly as much as I enjoy singing hymns in church, or playing in a band. Maybe that's why even lousy live music can be so much more impactful than a pristine recording.

  • someone

  • I have a bit of a theory about why pop music (I'm lumping Electronica into this) is so weirdly obsessed with microgenres, and why trendy ones come and go in a matter of years. It comes down to a lack of depth in musicality. Can elaborate if anyone is interested.

    • Maybe I am shielded from the parts of these genres that are obsessed with microgenres and quick to die trends. because I certainly don't see that happening in the electronic music I listen to.

    • I'm not saying the EDM, tomorrowland bullshit House music has musicality. I'm saying that the genre isn't driven by micro-genres. I agree that much of dance music/pop lacks musicality. But at the same time, a lot of these genres are absolutely massive, House, techno, dnb, all still have truely innovative and musical depth in many places (I'm thinking of Jon Hopkins, Daniel avery, KiNK, BICEP, Max cooper), they just might not perform at tomorrowland haha.

    • If you think tech house or progressive house are micro-genres you are crazy. And if you think that microgenres like fidget house or witch house drive the genre as a whole, or have any kind of significance compared to the established sub genres, you're also crazy lol. House does have trends, like there's been a decade (or longer) long trend of bringing back the magic of disco. But these are not micro genres or fads, they are fully established sub genres with a real depth of musicality

    11 more
  • I miss what this site used to be. So much.