
847 Followers 52 Following Joined about 12 years ago

Hey! I've decided, in consideration of the thoughts of some AT'ers, to start posting all of my free releases here! If people think it's unfair because the tracks I would post aren't made in AT, then I may reconsider. Just keep in mind that my ultimate goal is to share my music so that you can enjoy it! :D

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Gone EP Free Download:

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  • I Read You as Nytrix (That Is Real)


  • hello


  • u must comd back. if you don't then ill.........illl..........................FUCK

  • comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback come back pls :c

    • comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback come back comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback come back comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback come back comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback come back comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback

    • See this is what happens when you dedded for three years, nobody knows you release things

    1 more
  • Rip cool chillstep guy, we miss you

    • SAMFISH [HALF-HIATUS] -me to

    • u don't ned 2.0 b ded completely 2.0 b partly ded inside

    • i like how whenever somebody stops doing audiotool, everyone acts like they died :)

  • how do you feel about spamming links? I get a lot of complaints about it when I do it, and I understand why, because you should want people to like you enough that they visit your page enough that they find your music on their own, but as an amateur artist, of course nobody is going to know who you are, and if they find you, it's usually by accident or through another artist. I believe that link spamming is a good way to increase awareness of yourself. What are your thoughts on this?

    • i think that you asked the wrong guy since he's not been on AT since like 4 years ago. my personal opinion is that it's ok as long as you ask for crit. when people spam the same messeage/link multiple times then I get annoyed

  • comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback come back pls :c (1)

  • can we colab

  • I miss you, you beautiful bastard. Why did you vanish forever. No goodbyes, no hints.

    Whatever you're doing, we remember you.

    • he was doing dubstep stuff with another DAW, hasnt been active for awhile though