
70 Followers 7 Following Joined about 9 years ago

we take naps...


most of us do






@Laidux (hiatus soon)

and most of us are weeb trash

@(dormant) and @Sleepless are the co founders of @napclub a collab group of artists selected by us and invites are given to those who we feel will contribute to the sound we are looking for and is not dependent on popularity, musical background etc. Those who do ask and are not accepted should not feel bad because of the fact that we are looking for a specific style. Any coincidence in artist selection is only that- a coincidence.

sleep well <3 -skydoki

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  • I will talk to sky about it more cause me and him are both busy with our own music production, and our styles have changed a bit since we both left AT. But it would be good to do more work with napclub. I really don't want this account to die so we might move it over to Soundcloud and produce on FL and Ableton. Like I said, I have to talk to him about it cause we are both the owners of the account.

    - Sleepless

  • i'd would post u as underrated, cause u seriously are, but you haven't been making songs lately so :P

  • Hey everyone, I am just here to explain why we haven't really been making music on here. A lot of us have been busy or have left AT in general. But we might bring it back soon when we're all not too busy. Maybe in a different DAW, not on AT. But we will have to see. Sleep well everyone <3

    - Sleepless

  • rip.

  • rip napclub

  • hm

  • Can I join?

  • #TronaldDUMP


    (Read my wall to understand)

  • I'm down for it

  • ikr

  • ayy laidux

  • maybe cause people can't read the description of napclub to see that you're a member