
572 Followers 153 Following Joined about 13 years ago

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  • fr tho ur music is real nice

  • hey if I may ask what happend between you and hvd?

    • hahah, that post is from 2017! i don't remember what happened at all but im sure it wasnt that important:)

  • because clearly u guys have something going on

  • Aron you're a piece of autistic shit , you faggot fuck butt eating bitch nigga.

    Die in the worse way possible , scum bag.

  • audiotool lore has brought me here

  • The Ghan just wondering if you remember this, you started this draft for my old act and I'm finishing it up, wondering if you want creds

  • serieus er zijn zo veel nederlandse at ers

  • Ah nice man, good to see you pop up now and again! How come you're not producing? Got the old artists block?

  • Yo man you still about/active?

  • LOL sorry they will be back eventually, just as soon as im able to produce some more stuff. i got tired of looking at them but u can still search them up/find them in my albums i think :)

  • Absolutely beautiful, your music is absolute inspiration.

  • i thought u deleted your acc