
23 Followers 36 Following Joined about 10 years ago

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  • Just like you asked :P

  • Robbery (Prod By: Ha$y Beatz)

    cheak him out

  • Thanks for following.


  • Just remember: woaueoeoaoeuaoeoauoaueow

  • Try opening up other artist's templates, or hit remix on some of their tracks to see how they do stuff. And I know how you feel lol. It took me so long to become proficient here. But you'll get there.

  • Dude I'm not following you until you make something lol. And it has to wow me. Like waoeuaoeuw me. And no sample abusing. Btw I don't mean like uber wow just like wow for a first song.

  • Contact me over FB

  • Dude how do you have eight followers and no tracks lol

  • Yeah well I'm not really an avid tennis fan. I just watch it occasionally when it's someone I know at like a grand slam or something. So I wouldn't really know lol.

  • At least he's more fun to watch :p

  • Seriously? A Federer pic? If anybody it should be Monfils! :p

  • The thing is that it doesn't need remastering. It very recent compared to say Transformation or Unlimited power.