
12 Followers 6 Following Joined about 9 years ago

I upload music when i can/feel like it.I still new to the audio tool i hope i can get better at it.


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  • Where did the beans go T-T, I have no clue who they were, but they commented on one of my tracks like 4 years ago

  • #TronaldDUMP


    (Read my wall to understand)

  • (i made a new one ;) )

  • not to be that one guy or anything but SUBSCRIBE TO ME CRAPPY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!

  • Beans, if you search up my name in the loops section, i often make loops, im not sure if their good loops XD, but you said your new so i thought i'd try and help you a little XD

  • ok

  • check invites

  • you should become part of TSR(i'm working on a song to pub with them)... it will help people notice your AWSOME tracks(if you become a part of TSR send them the link to Sherwood Falls)

  • Thank you for enjoying my music.

  • np

  • thanks for the subs man, i appreciate it

  • you can send the invite now if you want

  • np you were my first follower and i really really appreciate that so i had to repay you some way.

  • thanks for subscribing to meh youtube bro...really really appreciate it