
31 Followers 32 Following Joined about 8 years ago


i DoN't kNOW

wHaT tO PuT iN mY DeSC

(Plan A is open for collabs - see my wall for more.)

My good music is posted on Newgrounds with my Newgrounds account, Minecraftpawa.

I like making dubstep and simple tunes.

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  • Yo, pawa. You alive?

    • Sent you my discord in a Twitter DM

    • Send me your discord or something, we gotta keep each other connected.

  • i would change my name, desc and pfp but they've been there since the start and i can't be bothered to change them

  • good to have you back on my feed

  • back

  • my desc is now a quality meme that is not dead at all in any way absolutely

  • Minecraftpawa and me (Flamehills) have a scratch account Minecraftpawa (Minecraftpawa's Scratch account) flamecook (my scratch account)

    and we are collabing on there for a company called Boxbots Industries.

    so we hope you can follow us on scratch.



  • oh lol didnt notice someone cared about that thing xD

  • Xtrullor - Supernova (Minecraftpawa remix) was the big project. ;)

  • I'm sorry man, I can't extend the deadline any further ;(

  • Help for songs: Formant IV and Weiser Heisenberg (In the bottom at least) for white noise.

  • Help for songs: Set all wavesd on a Heisenburg to square (top right) for beeps.

  • I feel like making a series of songs as well as separate ones. I'll probably call them Plan A, Plan B, Plan C and so on. In every song I'll try to collab with a different person. Just tell me if you want to join it.

  • Anyone who wants to join Let's collab, just tell me!