Tracks Templates datepopular 1 With the Motion Miguel Juarez Newbie technoelectronicpopchorus 0:02:20 5 78 2016-11-07 Favorite Share Remix 2 Miguel Production - Here And Now Miguel Juarez uncategorized electronicpianostringstechnodrumsvocalssynth 0:04:51 3 57 2014-08-22 Favorite Share 3 Coldplay - Adventure of a Lifetime (Remix) Miguel Juarez uncategorized technoelectronicbounceremix 0:04:36 3 39 2016-04-20 Favorite Share Remix 4 Miguel Juarez - Without A Heart Miguel Juarez uncategorized chillcalmtechnoheart 0:03:19 2 24 2014-03-11 Favorite Share 5 Miguel Production - Find A Way Miguel Juarez uncategorized electroniccalmsimpletechnodrumssmooth 0:03:31 2 42 2015-04-26 Favorite Share Remix 6 Early Bird Miguel Juarez uncategorized technoelectronicdanceremix 0:04:48 2 78 2016-01-27 Favorite Share Remix 7 Miguel Juarez - In A Dream With You Miguel Juarez uncategorized electriccalmdreamguitarpoptechno 0:03:41 1 25 2014-03-11 Favorite Share 8 Miguel Juarez - One Day With You Miguel Juarez uncategorized 0:02:56 1 87 2014-03-01 Favorite Share 9 R&B Sample 2 Miguel Juarez uncategorized 0:01:15 1 11 2014-03-23 Favorite Share 10 R&B Sample 1 Miguel Juarez uncategorized 0:01:38 1 14 2014-03-23 Favorite Share 11 Hip-Hop Beat #1 Miguel Juarez uncategorized 0:02:10 1 14 2014-04-26 Favorite Share 12 Miguel Juarez - Trapped In A Virtual World Miguel Juarez uncategorized pulverisateurpianovirtualcomputersynthstechnodrumssingertrappedvoiceworld 0:04:56 1 22 2014-06-15 Favorite Share