Tracks Albums 1 Mask Off [Instrumental] | Prod. By AJGotBeats AJ What You Cookin uncategorized 0:03:24 94 1438 2017-04-03 Favorite Share 2 first of the year opi Future Bass numberone 0:00:49 148 2233 2017-04-09 Favorite Share 3 Last Time KxngDayAloneRichlandPCartel™✪OntoniotherockstarLM Beats❤savage.queen❤ (gone)⛥Savage Lyric⛥yxng.thugin(℠⟡)™✪ uncategorized 0:01:54 118 1736 2017-03-06 Favorite Share 4 garbage TEQTONIQ Other 0:01:16 99 1856 2017-03-19 Favorite Share 5 300 Remix Comp sky uncategorized remixcomp 0:00:21 88 1412 2017-02-02 Favorite Share Remix