Shaquan Levance Mozie

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  • Yo, how long you want that track that you wanted me to make for you to rap on?

    ~ The Dr.

  • I'm a lil sorry I aint been making beats as often but I been rapping a lot lately and been trying to go far wit this GOD is willing I will go far wit this-his my passions

  • Ok

  • Ok and connected on Wat wym

  • If its something you've never really looked into you should take some time to do some research upon the subject and learn what it is about for yourself. I really appreciate you asking and giving me the chance to properly explain myself. Thank you and best of luck to you in everything!

  • I think a lot of times people mistake alchemy for a form of satanism or devil worship. To me it is mostly about purifying ones soul to become a better person for yourself and those around you. I will not deny some of the pictures and songs do have a darker tone, but I think that is more of a reflection upon my musical tastes and the time period in which the images were created.

  • I myself am not a christian and my beliefs and ideas are not something that could really be summed up in a few words or labels, but I have a deep respect and intrigue for all beliefs and one of my closest friends and musical collaborators is an advent christian. So am I anti christian or a satanist? - no.

  • Hi M3Shaquan I am actually glad you asked, no one has asked me about the meaning behind the pictures yet. A large majority of them are various imagery from the teachings of alchemy. I wouldn't say they are anti christian necessarily. There are definitely some who would say they are, but in my opinion alchemy falls in with what Jesus taught in some ways.

  • Thank you :)

  • you gonna include me in it

  • I posted the remix of "Just Tryin to go Hard" on google +. Im having problems publishing on audiotool.

  • Matthew 24:9 Further Study

    Mark 13:9,11-13 Further Study

    Luke 21:12-19

    Read prophecies come true if you wish to be saved please believe in the son of GOD who came in the flesh and repent from your sins I am not telling you just giving you advice so that you may drink of the water of life