Tracks Albums 1 The Ocean $oul Fire Lo-Fi amazinglo-fimeditationbeach 0:01:54 1 10 2021-05-06 Favorite Share 2 Overthinking po9t 2 Hip Hop wrldpeepdepressinghardrapoverthinkingsikrappersoullofitrapjuicewittlilxxxtentationcolepoetchoplowrybeatsoundcloudspotifydrakernbvocaltypesad 0:03:34 295 5299 2020-06-18 Favorite Share 3 A L O N E A G A I N $oul Fire Lo-Fi chill outlofichilledeverywherechillis this enoughhip hopsadhashtags 0:01:58 2 23 2021-05-05 Favorite Share 4 the stupidest part of you joe 1 Lo-Fi cillold school280hzhiphopsix eight180bpmbeatmozambique herecalmnwasadjoemicrotonalsomber 0:01:50 113 2141 2021-04-15 Favorite Share Remix