
303 Followers 42 Following Joined about 13 years ago

{I am SadfaCe, a musician from the southern United States. I play piano, drum set, and other percussion instruments. This is pretty much the music I made throughout all of highschool, but I don't really use Audiotool all that frequently. If you like what you hear on here, though, please check the SoundCloud to see how I'm evolving in music! I think its pretty cool stuff, but my opinion may be a tad biased}

I heard there was some new stuff going down so I think I might come back

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  • Hi, this is sadface. I've been logging in through my soundcloud since I got back on here, and recently the login hasn't been connecting. As a result, I can't get into this account anymore, and I'm taking it as a sign that I should let this profile rest as a relic of my teenage years (until it gets deleted or the website dies, at least) and start a new profile for the kind of shit that I'm doing nowadays. I'm posting this comment from here, for the aforementioned reasons, so check it if you wanna

  • Bro! You still on here? Miss you man, glad to see you're still making music.

    • Right? I was listening to some music on shuffle while doing some work on a project and an old song from here popped up. Brought back memories and saw that its still running. Takes me waaaay back, makes me want to start making stuff again and remember the times before bills hahaha

    • More like I'm back than I'm still here, but yeah. Fr I just pulled this shit up on a whim a few weeks ago to show one of my friends while were drinking, and that was enough to make me realize how much I miss this place. I honestly didn't expect the community to still be going, let alone with the same people that were around in the old days hahahaha

  • Robert's got a quick hand

    He'll look around the room he won't tell you his plan

    He's got a rolled cigarette

    Hanging out his mouth, he's a cowboy kid

    Yeah, he found a six shooter gun

    In his dad's closet, in a box of fun things

    And I don't even know what

    But he's coming for you, yeah, he's coming for you

  • feel like collaborating on a track, for old time's sake? hope you've been well!


  • do you still get emails for these comments?

  • hey! come back! I think I owe you a collaboration, don't I?

  • Ayyy my man how you been??

    • Good man I'm glad, happy you're still producing (: and yeah ive been better, but I started at this music college a lil while ago and that's going pretty good (:

    • I've been good dude! Just staying alive, still doing this music stuff just not on here as much as I should be. How about you, you been alright?


  • Nah man it's not the beta, not that I know of anyway, I'm like rank 833 for the beta haha, I think it's just a little update to the site is all

    Good to see you around man!

  • Real happy to see you back dude, you were one of my favourite producers here! Get producing, i wanna see whatcha got haha