Tracks Albums 1 A drop with no headphones cuz they broke VIOK Bass Music 0:00:30 7 37 2020-01-23 Favorite Share Remix 2 Signs Zack 2 Hip Hop vocalchopchillentrancemelodyvibe 0:01:58 103 1937 2020-01-22 Favorite Share 3 Fairy Tail - Theme Song (remix) XculE 3 EDM xculetheme songsoundtrackglitch hopanimeremixfairy tail 0:02:41 48 640 2020-01-18 Favorite Share 4 Nexium (Audiotool Day 2K19) Gravidon 4 Future Bass atd20192020audiotool day 2019future basspianoatd2k19flutecontestatday2019dropjersey clubneo-tokyogravidonvibrantgravihybridbassmelodiccompetitionnexium 0:04:54 39 414 2020-01-18 Favorite Share Remix 5 Flashbang Nyenoidz 2 Hardcore happy hardcorednbdrum and basshyperenergetic 0:03:24 31 488 2020-01-03 Favorite Share Remix