Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Renegade Elektrokot uncategorized trapraphip-hopbanger 0:03:39 27 696 2014-05-03 Favorite Share 2 Locked Elektrokot uncategorized raphip-hoptrapbeat 0:03:53 8 215 2014-05-18 Favorite Share 3 Fallout Elektrokot uncategorized bangertraphardhip-hop808glitchbassraplowbeat 0:02:50 7 209 2014-07-17 Favorite Share 4 Don't Swag Elektrokot uncategorized newschooltraphip-hop808rapbeat 0:03:31 6 255 2014-06-26 Favorite Share 5 Agressive Elektrokot uncategorized 180 bpmhip-hop. beatagressivebassrapsynth 0:02:50 5 168 2014-08-30 Favorite Share 6 Face Of Insane Elektrokot uncategorized dubfuturedrumgrimechill 0:05:49 4 133 2013-07-18 Favorite Share 7 Gentle Giant Elektrokot uncategorized cellohip-hoprapsynthchill 0:03:39 4 170 2013-10-15 Favorite Share 8 The Outstand Elektrokot uncategorized raphip hopsimple 0:03:02 4 216 2014-06-05 Favorite Share 9 Laboratory Elektrokot uncategorized electronichip-hopatypicalrapfuturebeatsynth 0:03:23 4 170 2014-07-24 Favorite Share 10 Come Back Elektrokot 8 Electro 0:03:33 4 84 2024-03-15 Favorite Share 11 Hiser Elektrokot uncategorized trance 0:06:27 3 520 2013-01-13 Favorite Share 12 Might Elektrokot uncategorized trance 0:08:41 3 274 2013-01-10 Favorite Share