Kingcrusade, Mynynja.E.E.

618 Followers 1613 Following Joined about 9 years ago
I am alone i like it this way we can be cool at a distance. falseness causes me to get real ad reckless. pu55ies tote guns cause cause they barely got balls and might lose they teeth.

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  • the worlds only and that being the great.

  • My girl got a girlfriend. Hmm and I am humble. And she knows that im the business in all I do. I get more hP got hours. If I wanted something or one they would come to me. Fake people got shyt in common that bull shyt.

  • You are an extraverted. That's why you feel the way you do. You can't be creative to me. Just the guys in the back ducking sicks. If you have to do all the BS to get exposed. As the weak as nigga it wasn't worth beating a bitches ass. I had to put you all in the right category the males with the extra female Gene. Never worried slaves. You just have less talent waste your money. Im famous I made this network famous. Any followers with my style. Good luck. I am not a mortal of the mind or spirit

  • I am probably in your nightmares. And Everytime the come back stronger. You know when it will be ya last nightmare . When you stop sweating at night. When your heart stops beating and you don't have a choice. That's where I live. I choose this future cause it gave me the chance to expose. The real hate. I am the sexist man. And that's where I left you at. Watching hating gathering. Ignorantly conspiring as a group of mentally diseased weak minded rejects. Sin is exchangeable Thur spirit.

  • To come in to a universe , to find amazing power and beauty. To obtain what you see in this universe before you. Understand that you can't understand that I have already made them most out of any thing you can find. And others reasouces are beyond your comprehension. Or just looking at it as far as what ever you make will be small. You a slave. Me a creator. I will always be able to do the best with little time. Every track I didn't make I can get money from and removed. You are so obsessed....

  • bruh chill with the faVES AAAAAAAA MY FEED

  • black mail isn't real, stupidity is omg

  • this profile will no longer be active. only here to follow.....

  • deleted

  • damn that nigga gone he copied my drums lls

  • 600 we can do better than that can't we

  • work with the mynynja team become a member. work for insensitive. clothing, money, fashion what ever you want to bring to the table. bring your passion. all are well come and let me show you how i want to start your own stuff.